Benjamin Hagood


 Pickens County, SC


WebPage Hosted By: Old Pendleton District Genealogy Society

Effective: 28 May 2018, by: PMK


Information compiled by:  Margaret "Gary" Hagood Brightwell

GARY BRIGHTWELL is a native of Pickens, SC, and is the 3rd great granddaughter of Benjamin Hagood (1788-1865) and Adaline Ambler Hagood (1808-1877). Gary inherited her passionate interest and love for family history and Pickens County from her late father, Ben Folger Hagood Jr.  A librarian by profession, researching and collecting information comes naturally to her.  In 2004 she began a quarterly HAGOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER sent to over 125 Hagood “cousins.”  Gary is anxious to share her information and hopefully receive new information from other researchers.  She can be reached at or 318 Lynnwood Rd., Waterboro, SC 29488.


Click-on Link Description Contributed by:

Family Newsletter - Historical Type Excerpts Only:


Volume I, Issue 1, Summer, 2004

Gary Brightwell in May-2005

Volume I, Issue 2, Fall, 2004

Gary Brightwell in May-2005

Volume I, Issue 3, Winter, 2004

Gary Brightwell in May-2005

Volume II, Issue 2, Spring, 2005

Gary Brightwell in May-2005


Cemetery & Tombstone Images



GenWeb Tombstone Project Hagood Cemetery Images #P0001870 to #P0001884

Paul M Kankula in Jun-2003
CHA.jpg Alexander, Claude Hagood  (To be added at a later date) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
MEHA.jpg Alexander, Mary Elizabeth Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
PEA.jpg Alexander, Pleasant Eugene Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
PMA.jpg Alexander, Pleasant McDuffie Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
RLA.jpg Allen, Richard Loudon Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
AnA.jpg Ambler, Anita Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
 .jpg Ambler, Beauregard (To be added at a later date)  
BOA.jpg Ambler, Belton O’Neal Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
CTA.jpg Ambler, Carlos Thadius Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
ELA.jpg Ambler, Emily Long Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JA.jpg Ambler, James Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JHA_ZAC.jpg Ambler, James Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JLA.jpg Ambler, James Lawrence Orr Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
MAA.jpg Ambler, Marcellus Ambler Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
RLAm.jpg Ambler, Robert Lee Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
SHA.jpg Ambler, Susan Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JHA_ZAC.jpg Ambler, Zealy Ann Cox Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JHB.jpg Bruce, James Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JMcB.jpg Bruce, James McDuffie Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JMBII.jpg Bruce, James McDuffie II Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
LHB.jpg Bruce, Lucie Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
MGB.jpg Bruce, May Starke Grogan Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
DHG.jpg Grantham, Dorothy Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
GLG.jpg Grantham, George Leighton Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
 .jpg Grantham, George Leighton III (To be added at a later date)  
AAG.jpg Griffin, Ann Ambler Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
EG.jpg Griffin, Edwin Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
EHG.jpg Griffin, Elihu H. Sr. Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
EHoG.jpg Griffin, E. Holby Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
FMG.jpg Griffin, Florence Morgan Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
HCG.jpg Griffin, Harriet Catherine Singleton Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JAG.jpg Griffin, James Ambler Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JCG.jpg Griffin, John Calhoun Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
RYHG.jpg Griffin, Robert Young Hayne Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
WG.jpg Griffin, William Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
AAH.jpg Hagood, Adaline Ambler Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
ASH.jpg Hagood, Albert Starke (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
BFHjr.jpg Hagood, Ben Folger Jr. Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
BH.jpg Hagood, Benjamin Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
BH_AAH.jpg Hagood, Benjamin (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
BAH.jpg Hagood, Benjamin Adger (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
CEH.jpg Hagood, Charles Earle Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
CH.jpg Hagood, Clarence Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
EAG.jpg Hagood, Eliza A. Goodwin Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
EBRH.jpg Hagood, Esther Benson Robinson Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JEH.jpg Hagood, James Earle Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JEH_EBRH.jpg Hagood, James Earle Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JEHjr.jpg Hagood, James Earle Jr. (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
JRobH.jpg Hagood, John Robinson Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
 .jpg Hagood, Leila Caroline (To be added at a later date)  
LH.jpg Hagood, Louis Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
MAH.jpg Hagood, Martha Alice Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
MH.jpg Hagood, Mabel Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
MWH.jpg Hagood, Mary Walker (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
RobH.jpg Hagood, Robbie Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
SAH.jpg Hagood, Sallie Anita Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
WMH.jpg Hagood, William Milliken (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
WMHIV.jpg Hagood, William Milliken IV Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
EMM.jpg McHugh, Elizabeth Martin Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
 .jpg McHugh, Herbert (To be added at a later date)  
 .jpg Martin, A. Adaline (To be added at a later date)  
EHM.jpg Martin, Elmina Elkin Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
FAM.jpg Martin, Francis Albert Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
IMM.jpg Martin, Ida Mamie Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
PBM.jpg Martin, Philip Bower Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
PBMsr.jpg Martin, Philip Bower Sr. Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
FMHM.jpg Mauldin, Frances Miles Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
FMH_TJM.jpg Mauldin, Frances Miles Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
TJM.jpg Mauldin, Thomas Joab Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
NMP.jpg Palmer, Nathalie McHugh Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
LGP.jpg Parham, Leroy Glen Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
ABR.jpg Robinson, Augustus B. Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
 .jpg Robinson, Benjamin Hagood (To be added at a later date)  
EHR.jpg Robinson, Elvira Caroline Hagood Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
IR.jpg Robinson, Infant Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
WWalR.jpg Robinson, William Walter (Memorial marker, but buried elsewhere) Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
WWR.jpg Robinson, William Wickliffe Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005
SAW.jpg Wyatt, Susan Ambler Griffin Gary Brightwell in Jun-2005


Cemetery GPS Mapping


  (#1) = N34 56.573 x W82 42.110  or  (#2) = N34 56 34 x W 82 42 07  (5 miles NE of Pickens SC) Gary L Flynn in Jun-2003

Aerial View = A1 or A2


Map View = M1 or M2



Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions



GenWeb Tombstone Inscription Project Hagood Cemetery Recording

Paul M Kankula

Family & Plantation History:


(To be added at a later date)

Gary Brightwell

Family Images:   Ambler

AF1.jpg James Hagood Ambler Gary Brightwell in May-2005
AF2.jpg Home of James Ambler Sr. & Susan Hagood, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
AF3.jpg James Hagood Ambler home, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
AF4.jpg James Ambler Griffin Gary Brightwell in May-2005
AF5.jpg Elihu H. Griffin & Ann Ambler home, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005

Family Images:   Benjamin Hagood

BH1.jpg Adaline Ambler, wife of Benjamin Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005
BH1a.jpg William Walter Robinson, grandson of Benjamin Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005

James Hagood's Will, father of Benjamin Hagood

Gary Brightwell in May-2005
BH3.jpg Excerpts from Benjamin Hagood Store, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
BH5.jpg Rebecca Hagood, sister of Benjamin Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005
BH6aa.jpg Charlotte Ambler Burdine grave, Pickens Chapel, Anderson Co., SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
BH6bb.jpg Pickens Chapel, Anderson, SC site of Charlotte Ambler Burdine grave Gary Brightwell in May-2005

Family Images::   James Earle Hagood

JEHbb2.jpg Home of Mr. & Mrs. J. McDuffie Bruce (Lucie Hagood), Pickens, SC.  Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH1.jpg Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Hagood & daughter Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH1a.jpg Benjamin Adger Hagood summer home, 1911, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH1aa.jpg Mamie Gertrude Hagood, daughter of W.M. Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH2.jpg J.E. Hagood Jr., son of J.E. Hagood Sr. Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH2a.jpg Benjamin Adger Hagood home, son of J.E. Hagood, 2004 Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH3.jpg J.E. Hagood Jr. grave – Westview Cemetery, Easley, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH3a.jpg Ben F. Hagood & son, Ben F. Hagood Jr., 1933 Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH4.jpg Sons of J.E. Hagood Sr. Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH4a.jpg Ben Folger Hagood, son of J.E. Hagood Jr., 1955 Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH5.jpg W.M. Hagood, son of J.E. Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH6.jpg W.M. Hagood Family at old Pickens Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH6a.jpg Frances "Queen" Miles Hagood Mauldin Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH7.jpg C. Bruce Hagood, grandson of J.E. Hagood Sr. Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH7a.jpg Hagood-Mauldin House, 2004 Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH8.jpg Commissioners for new town of Pickens, 1868 Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH8-1.jpg Invoice - W.M. Hagood Store, Easley, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH8cc.jpg Home, Easley, SC, of W.M. Hagood, son of James Earle Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH9.jpg Lucie Hagood, daughter of J.E. Hagood Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH10.jpg James Earle Hagood Sr. Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH10a.jpg Dorothy Folger Hagood Grantham, daughter of Ben F. Hagood, granddaughter of J.E. Hagood Jr. Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH10bb.jpg Dorothy Folger Hagood, daughter of Ben F. Hagood, granddaughter of J.E. Hagood Jr., Washington, D.C., 1931 Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH10cc.jpg Dora Folger Hagood, wife of J.E. Hagood Jr., Easley, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH11.jpg Dora Folger Hagood, wife of J.E. Hagood Jr. Gary Brightwell in May-2005
JEH12.jpg J.E. Hagood Home in new Pickens Gary Brightwell in May-2005

Images:   Pickens County

PIC1.jpg Folger & Thornley Store, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005
PIC2.jpg Folger & Thornley Store Token, Pickens, SC Gary Brightwell in May-2005



Ambler Query Resources

Link Ambler Family Forum  
Link Ambler Family Message Board  
Link Ambler Family Mailing List  

Hagood Query Resources

Link Hagood Family Forum  
Link Hagood Family Message Board  
Link Hagood Family Mailing List  

Hagood Websites

Link Hagood Mill by Pickens County Cultural Commission  
Link Hagood Mill by Pickens County Museum  
Link Hagood Mill by SC Department of Archives and History  
Link Hagood-Mauldin House by SC Department of Archives and History  

Society Websites



Pickens County Historical Society  


Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society